July's BizBaz @ Home Recap!
July's BizBaz @ Home was a fantastic day and another great online convention at BizBaz Club in the books. Thank you to everyone who made it so fabulous from the attendees to the vendors to the special guests and everyone in between. Y'all rule and make this community so awesome. Let's do a quick recap of July's BizBaz @ Home!
We started off with our Opening Ceremony where we met a ton of new BizBaz @ Home attendees, introduced ourselves, and went through our vendor lineup. We had 10 talented vendors participate in BIzBaz @ Home and each had their own special promo for the day! Who did you shop with this month?

Click here to rewatch the Opening Ceremony on our Twitch!
We rolled into our cosplay and pet costume contests next! Y'all are always so creative with these. We had our regular special guest that we love so dearly, Kyoshi Cosplay too! Who did you vote for this month in both contests?

Click here to rewatch the Pet Costume and Cosplay Contests on our Twitch!
Next up was already our Artist Panel! All 10 of our vendors chatted with us so we could hang out and get to know each other better. It's always so cool to put a face to a name! Who were you most excited to talk to this month?
Click here to rewatch the Vendor Panel on our Twitch!
We hosted the coloring contest next and oh wow y'all are so talented! Thank you for always taking the time to color in our page. I absolutely adore looking at every entry! Which page did you vote for this month?
Click here to rewatch the Coloring Contest on our Twitch!
We had our special guest takeover next on the lineup and this month Ryan Abreu and Mike Kaess spent some time with y'all! They built tier lists with your help for candies, snacks, and drinks - it got a little heated but was so fun! Did you agree with the tier lists?
Click here to rewatch Ryan & Mike's takeover on our Twitch!
Our most popular contest was up now: Jackbox Tee-KO. Y'all are so hilarious and I love that the audience can participate too. What was your favorite design?

Click here to rewatch the Jackbox Tee-KO Tournament on our Twitch!
Arieandream did our Live Drawing sesh next and she finished up the linework for her BizBaz Bento Box! Yum. We discussed lots of foods too. Should we make this a pin soon?
Click here to rewatch Arieandream's Live Drawing session on our Twitch!
Our last contest of the day was next: 90's Cartoon Network Trivia! Did you play along at home? How many did you get right?!
Click here to rewatch our 90's Cartoon Network Trivia on our Twitch!
Our last piece of the event was saved for the grand finale: a music set from JigglyKing20! I know we were all dancing at home. What was your favorite song?
Click here to rewatch JigglyKing20's music set on our Twitch!
And just as quickly as it came, July's BizBaz @ Home came to an end. We wrapped up with our Closing Ceremony and raided someone for their birthday stream! What a fun day.
Click here to rewatch the Closing Ceremony on our Twitch!
I hope to see you all at August's BizBaz @ Home on 8/21!